$TIME25 is the time of 2025, tokenized on blockchain Solana and valorized. Every second tells a story, a moment experienced in an unrepeatable year.
31.536.000 $TIME25 tokens have been created, one for each second of the year 2025.
$TIME25 celebrates time as a finite resource, associating each token with the seconds of a historical year.
The starting value is voluntarily set to just start 1SOL: the more important the year, the more value it will have. The final value will be published at the end of the year.
Buy the seconds of the year, they will be yours. The more special the year, the more your TIME25 will become worth.
The $TIME2025 token is part of a larger project to develop tokens based on the concept of time.
The TimeYear company has already outlined important goals for the launch of the next token related to the year 2026, with unique features on the market. If you are curious to see the development stages of the next TimeTokens, visit the company's website.
The current $TIME25 token is just the initial project of a path that is destined to evolve over time: buying the TIME25 token also means buying a part of the beginning of the journey
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